My Story
My name is Josephine Holl aka Josie and I own Holl Bookkeeping & Tax Services Inc. here in Syracuse. I have been in business for over 14 years. I have helped many small businesses with their books, taxes, and payroll throughout my years. I am looking for clients who is willing to give me the opportunity to work with their company. To put their trust in my hands and have a successful business along the way.
I am not looking for full time work, as my clients demand different demands of my time. But I do have various time slots available and I also work weekends along with some holidays because of the unique position that I have with my clients. I have several letters of recommendation along with a referral list upon request.
I have been told that I am efficient in my task along with being well organized. Please keep in mind with this being said, I have basically worked myself out of a couple of positions, because I was efficient enough to streamline their work into simple task. It took me a year or two to get them in this format that they wanted, but all in all the customers were happy with the work I had done and call when they need me to return.
I have many skills sets that most bookkeepers may not happen because of my experience in various fields of business. I have taken each step of my education for my business carefully and learned the basics from the ground up.
Some of my clients have been with me since my inception of my business. Not to toot my horn, but I must be doing something right to keep my clients happy.
First, I have worked in a bank for 10 years, I was hired as a check processor and from being bonded and learning the basic skillset of accounts receivables and working with accounts. Balancing out bank statements for the Federal reserve and other financial institutions. I have reconciled many various accounts from a million dollars down to the last penny. After being there for 10 years, I was the only employee who could jump into any shift and perform as if I worked that shift load. I was awarded with many certifications along with given the chance to go to college and graduate with a Dual degree in Banking and Mathematics.
From there, I worked at a reputable trucking firm, I was shown the ropes in two weeks and learned how to do Account Payables, file keeping and their accounts receivables. I also learned how to do the DMV paperwork along with Sales tax and how to process getting trucks on the road with MV-50’s.
I worked at an electrical company for a while, a medical place where they did dialysis on patients every day. With these two places I learned Payroll and the ins and outs of per diems, night shifts, and the different tax structures that needed to be in place.
From there, I owned and operated a tropical fish store, which I gained the knowledge of how to run books, and inventory along with using the skills mentioned above to become a very successful business owner. Throughout those years, I worked with an Accountant, and he was impressed how I could turn around a business in a short time. I ran the store for 5 years and within 3 of those years my store became profitable.
During all of this, we decided to have children, but the home we were living in was getting too small by time our third child arrived. We decided to build our home. During my pregnancy, I vatted out each stage of the build. Hired and over seen each stage of the build. I was even in the delivery room with our 3rd child talking to the cement people telling them where to pour in which cavities of the block. After I arrived home, every day and night I was up to the new home over seeing the build and questioning and making certain that everything was up to specs and codes. I thought the job was simplistic as our home began to take shape. I learned from there how to General Contract and build our home. I ended up completing our home in 7 months. Within the first year that we lived in our new home, I saved us over 50K in warranties and tax savings. I learned that I was good with numbers and I proved all my points.
5 years after that, I was forced by the judge that I needed to find a job, after being home with my children for 13 years. I took on a client with his files and organized them so when he was going to court, they would be in order. I ended up buying QuickBooks Pro 2012 and learned from the bottom up and build this person a book with all the financials included. He presented this to his accountant, and his accountant called me in. He said “Go get yourself some business cards and brochures because you are a bookkeeper and fine one at that.” I started Holl Bookkeeping Services in 2012.
Because I was capable to doing A/P, A/R, Payroll, Bookkeeping, I figured I was going one step further. I educated myself with Tax Preparation. I went to school, and got my degree in Tax Preparation for the IRS & NYS. With this under my belt it made me more of a well-rounded employable person. In 2015, I became Holl Bookkeeping & Tax Services.
The reason I am explaining this too you, because I have dibbled and dabbled throughout my years, but I have built myself into a better business person. As well as being a well-rounded along being an educated Bookkeeper with Tax Preparation and Payroll skills. I have learned the trades of the financial sectors and grown with knowledge by leaps and bounds.
In June 2024, Holl Bookkeeping & Tax Services finally became Incorporated. It has been an incredible journey and I always believed that you have to love the job to enjoy it's rewards. Taking on being your own boss has it's challenges, but I've learn to appreciate the full circle from an employees point of view and now the employers point of view. I can't wait to see what is next....
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.